dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2014


Hi my name is Quim, I’m 13 and this is a writing about my last summer. First, with my friends Xenia Selelles, Maria Planes, Joan Rigau and mi, we went to Lourdes with Hospitelitat de Girona to help different patients. I shared the room with Joan. I got up to quarter past five, and then I had a shower and went to have breakfast. Then I went to the church or the acts with the patients and the other nurses. Is very beautifully this experience.

Then, I returned to Banyoles and five days later, I took a plane to go to Weymouth for 3 weeks to study English with my brother, Jordi and Marçal and the other people. These was my routine in Weymouth: I got up at 7:00 o’clock, I had a shower and I went to have breakfast. At 8 o’clock I took a bus for to go to school. The lessons start at nine o’clock, and finished at one o’clock. Then, I went to the school’s café and I had lunch the packed lunch, it was very bad. In the afternoon I had funny activities and in the night, I had a night games. On the first Saturday we went to London and the second Saturday, we went to Bormuth. In Sundays it was a family day. I very liked this. I had a great time and I made many friends from around to the world.

 In August, I went to my family’s apartments in St Antoni to relax

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