dilluns, 11 de maig del 2015

Students for better Future organize a protest

9 Rene Gardens
Resultat d'imatges de good planet
kA4 8FC

28 May 2015

I represent a group called 'Students for better Future. I am writing to you because we are concerned about plans to build a motorway in our area.

In our opinion, this motorway is a stupid plan because our town is very well communicated with the others towns and don't must other road. Also, before with the park, we were very well because before, we went to relax or chatting with our friends, or walking to dog...

We have therefore decided to take action, and we are going a protest. For this reason, we write this new and help to publicize this event

Yours faithfully,

Quim Tarradas

Quim Tarradas

Cordinator of the organization

Students for better for Future

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